I was having a very heated debate with my younger brother abt whether or not life is unfair or fair. After everything.....i know that there are many many many unfair things that happen in our lives to us or even to others.....but i also realize that there are a lot of fair things that happen as well...i mean good things that we can see....
Something Big happened to my younger brother that made him believe that life is just unfair....i can't actually disagree with him because life is unfair at times...but why keep looking at the unfair things and bad things...why not look at the good and beautiful moments in life....like a baby taking his first steps or someone who's hard work paid off or even friends who stand by you no matter what....these things count for something right?
Although unfair things happen to us we shouldn't let it affect us right? We should just keep living and leaving everything into the hands of God right? Tell me if i'm wrong. But i feel that no matter how bad things can be....it doesn't really matter right? What matters is how we learn from it and grow to be better people. Coz what is the use of letting something like this get a hold on us? It doesn't make it better and it doesn't make it go away.....
For example....in exams. Some people choose to cheat and get better results than those who worked soo hard. This is not fair to them. But there is nothing we can do abt it. But at least our conscience is clear that we did not cheat and we did the right thing. That is what matters right?
We can just hope that someday they will realize and do the right thing as well.....
I care a lot for my bro and i want to be there for him no matter what....i want to help him because it hurts me to see him feeling hurt and sad and disappointed. So please help me help him to get past whatever he is feeling right now......because he deserves better.........
5 years ago