Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Youth Leadership Developement Programme (YLDP)

I'm finally back home after soo long.....Anyway, just wanted to share my experience at the camp. To be honest, i wasn't very keen on going for the camp. Firstly, because i already went for 2 others just a few weeks before. Secondly, it's a 6 day camp and that is kinda long for me. Thirdly, i was gonna be alone. T_T. Although my bro and other friends went along. i was gonna be alone because they will separate us into 3 levels according to age. And those of my age who have gone for this camp before obviously can't sit for the same sessions again so they would go on to level 2. so i was left alone in level 1. There were other first timers too but they were much younger so they joined the pre-levels. haiz....

Then, we found out that most probably we would have to sleep in tents. TENTS! For 6 days. I would probably die. But fortunately for me, i was not placed in the tents but in a pavillion; a hut-like thingy. But believe me, it wasn't as pleasant as expected as well. It was hard. My back was like super aching. I was sleeping on wood. We would lie in our sleeping bags until it got soo hot. The nights were hot but in the morning, the weather would saddistically change and we would be freezing. So i didn't get much sleep throughout the entire camp but it beats sleeping in tents, right?

But after a while.....i felt like there was a reason why i was at this camp. God sure has a plan for me. And to my surprise, i enjoyed the sessions very much. It made me realise and learn a lot of things i never really knew. Pastor Daniel Singh was hillarious, but he still managed to get the message across. I feel like i was at a very rough part of my life; i mean spiritually. and the sessions helped me a lot. The theme was second wind, a phenomena where a marathon runner after feeling sooo tired suddenly gets a surge of energy to press on. it's something similar to our walk with God. Sometimes we feel tired and come to a road-block.

Usually when i attend camps, i would be one of the younger ones. Everyone was usually older than me. But this time, i was like the older person. So many of the 'older ppl' are actually my age. So that made me the 'older person' i used to meet at camps. But being form 4, i met a lot of other form 4 mates who look sooooo mature. I, in comparison, looked like a small kid.

The one thing i enjoyed in the camp was the grouping. We had 3 different groups. Our team-building group for games and stuff, our sessions group meaning the 3 different levels and our devotion group. This helped me a lot to get to know more ppl and build relationships. Besides, the worship services were awesome. This camp was also a very eventful camp. The first night, the hall had a blackout so we had to shift to the ampitheatre. The second night, it rained very heavily and some tents were wet plus one was flooded. The stream itself overflowed. The third day, the air-conds malfunctioned for a while.

After coming back from this camp...i have no regrets whatsoever abt attending this camp. I enjoyed myself a lot and i thank God for always being there for me. This camp gave me the confidence to continue walking with the Lord forever. And on the last day....i made a declaration that......as for me, i will walk with the Lord forever.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Yeah, poor thing. The first thing you did when you came home was jump on the bed and sigh...;P