Friday, January 16, 2009

Tips on how to NOT become the class monitor

1. Use the i'm-so-busy technique. Tell the teacher a list of societies and games and stuff that you
have joined with all your poses. Look like your under a lot of stress. It helps.
2. Use the pls-oh-pls technique. Give your teacher your cutest and nicest puppy look. This
technique only works if you look cute. If not, then don't bother. =)
3. Use the you-can't-force-me technique. This is more 'radical' as compared to the others. This
technique means you just abandon your work and don't do anything. I don't recommend you
use this technique.
4. Use the pity-me technique. When in class, look sad and depressed like the whole world just died.
Hopefully, your teacher will notice and give some sympathy.
5. Use the replacement-no-jutsu technique. Find someone who is willing to take the job. If there is
no one, then just force someone. =)

PS: try the polls on which do you think is the most effective.


Unknown said...

The best method is to quote to your teacher your rights as a human being...
Tell your class teacher flatly that you won't be monitor and won't be force to do it.. Say that it is my right not to do the things that i do not want to do. Quote to her all the rights in the UN Human right Convention. And tell her that you will report to UNICEF that you are being bullied to do a job that you don't want to do. Let her know that it is not a crime not to the job and in no way by refusing monitorship are you breaking the constitution, federal law or the international law. Notify her, that UN officers will be unhappy to find a student in a country bound to the United Nations and whose Education Minister is the head of the UNICEF being force to do something that the student does not want to do.

Liz said...

You're funny. HA. HA.
poor thing