Friday, July 10, 2009

Insulting Insults

Here's a few comments that are kinda funny but extremely insulting.

1) Alright, the first one would be the comment "you gained weight". Just imagine coming into the class and the teacher is talking in front. When you finally take your seat, she stops(in mid sentence) and looks at you and says...."you gained weight"

2) Next up would be "you need to start dieting". Well to me, this comment is kinda offensive.

3) Next would be when someone hits you and says "adipose tissue". (For those who haven't studied biology, adipose tissue is the tissue that stores fat).

4) "what do you eat for breakfast? Coz i want to gain weight".

5) Another is when someone says that you can take his share of the food. Then someone says..."then he will be double fat."

6) When learning about fats (during chemistry), someone looks at you with a snigger. We all know why....

7) Next was when a teacher (during biology) says that when you remove your thyroid gland, you won't be able to gain weight(i think that is what she said). Then, someone looks at you smiling like it is some sort of idea.

8) When you say that you keep losing and someone says "unfortunately not your weight"

Those who said those comments, you know who you are. Lol. It's extremely insulting but its okay. It's kinda funny too.

(Pls vote at the poll section) =)


Unknown said...

i guess i find not of these very insulting... in fact i may not even notice that you are try to point out that i am overweight...

i guess i think it would be quite insulting to say "you are fat" right into someones face...

of course, a just reply is to say you are thin... there is no standard to measure fatness. the BMI is just a crap measure used by the scientist who want to make money from weight loss products...

and it is good to be fat... we did a brochure in GP class on why obesity is a good thing... i will blog on that soon...

but really, don't let the fat thing stop you from enjoying food...

Timothy K. said...

obesity a good thing??? that's taking things too far... Being slightly on the plum side is healthy definitely not obesity though...
BMI was just a standard measure by SCIENTISTS .. nothing related to cosmetics and weight loss...more for nutritional studies...You don't need BMI to tell you you need to lose weight...

well the words may not mean anything to some people.. but the intention was there.. so it hurts nevertheless... everyone is different... just have to be sensitive to the choice of words..

> kit...
dun worry... shud exercise more for health reasons... not like me...

The Bee said...

the syndrome of these days really...
pple are so observant, outspoken and obsessed about outward appearance ....
focus on the outer shell and over-emphases to the extent something as natural occurring as a pimple on the face or a slight chubbiness... seems to extract a public comment which most of the time would do more unneccesary harm esp to teens struggling thro identity and esteem issues!!!
cant blame the media for over-advertising flawless skin on beautiful faces and bodies...
think it s more of lack of depth in many aspects pertaining to character development!!
well you need to work on our own perception of ourselves and not let these inconsiderate callous comments distract and affect our acceptance of ourselves...
FYI the teens are not the only victims of this syndrome
oldies like us cant be allowed to grow old gracefully in peace without pple 's incessant commenting on graying hairs!!!
feel like saying...they should jaga tepi kain sendiri...

Unknown said...

Ming... just wait for my obesity blog post ot come out... and it is indeed a good thing to be fat for many reason... sometimes, you will wonder why people what to be thin...

BMI is inveted by scientist, yes... but they most probably work for companies in the weight loss products production line...

BMI might be true, or than again who is to say it is true.... ha, just because they are somebody does not mean it is true... okay

i think that BMI is just a way to make people feel bad, lower self-esteem and sell their products....

Darren said...

look on the bright side will you? at least you'll never face the problems i face @.@ geez... try thinking abt those who can't get fat no matter how hard they try. be grateful!! XD

oh, and btw, the word 'fat' is extremely relative XD