Friday, September 5, 2008

Just letting my mind wander......

I actually can't believe i am more than half way through form 4. I still feel like i just entered school. Next year..i will be a senior... Can't believe it. Time flies when you are having fun. But to come to think of it....time flies when you are not having fun too. I realize how short life is...and that is why we should always be ourselves. Like i heard in a is too short to be someone else. What is the point of pretending to be someone else?

I realize that we can never turn back time. We can never go back. We can never change the things we want to change. we can never go back and take the other road. We just have to live with it. I realize that i can never change what people think of matter how hard i try. That i can never know what people think of me. But does it really matter....what people think of me? It matter's more what i think of myself. I realized that i can never change others as well. no matter how hard i try... the choice is still theirs. All i can do is tell them how i feel but it will always come down to them.

16 years of my life and i have had my ups and downs. Nobody can ever say that their life is perfect. I am soooo fortunate to have people who helped me through the rough times. Even now...i am still going through some problems. Sometimes i feel like giving up or running away from everything but i still have friends who are always there for me.

Just this week...i asked my friend " why are relationships so complicated? " It feels so hard to breathe sometimes when relationships are all tangled up or going through a storm. But maybe relationships aren't as complicated as it seems. Maybe we are the ones who complicate it. Sometimes i wonder why these things are happening to me? But maybe these things are supposed to happen so that i can learn from them and grow stronger.

I hope that these tangled up problems will soon be un-tangled because i don't think i can take much more....


Unknown said...

Hey, i know what it feels like.. time moves very fast..

I feel that too... In March i was rejoicing my, i feel that my results means nothing, nothing at all. The A s don't matter anymore.

Choices are like a coin, you spend it any way you wish but you can only spend it once.
You can on make one decision when presented a feel choices

About how you feel when people don't really listen to you..
I can say now that I felt the same when you did not take up the challege to do bible knowledge.

But no matter. Remember SPM is nothing... and trust me life will get harder, enjoy your school life. enjoy it well.

Anonymous said...

just want you to know that you arent alone. =)

siehjin said...

relationships are the most complex things in the world...

they are also a major part of what makes life worth living (at least, in my value system).

don't think i can help much, from so far away... but the basics of relationships are always the same: trust, communication, forgiveness...

sometimes all we can do is do our best to do what is right, and leave the rest to God... because we can't (and shouldn't) control others' feelings and choices... susah, but that's life...=)